Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Self Talk Soul Talk, Week 11

"Lift up: Praise the Lord, O My Soul" is the 11th and last chapter of the book, by Jennifer Rothchild.  Lelia, at Write From the Heart is the hostess.  Check her blog for the list of other posts, and the new study that is starting next week.

Sometimes when I have been drawing closer to God, I experience testings.  In the past, there were times I felt a bit of resistance when I was praying and feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit so wonderfully, because I wondered what was going to happen next in my life.  Lately, God has been blessing me with peace about the church situation.   I have had joy in prayer, and trusting God so much that I have told him I don't want to feel that resistance I have in the past. Well, now the testing is coming on.  Am I going to keep my eyes on him, and not worry and stew?

Yesterday's chapter was good for me to read today.  The first sentences I starred were, "We think that happiness is simply a matter of habitat, and if we could somehow adjust all of the happenings of a given day, we would be happy.  In other words, if we could make well with our circumstances, it would be well with our souls."  Jennifer says happiness has to do with our hearts.

The circumstances I am experiencing are bringing out some of those symptoms of selfishness Jennifer referred to.  My mind keeps going back to the issues, even though I do trust God for the outcome.  I am needing to remember to praise God and focus on Him.  I also need to go to bed on time.  That will help.

A couple more quotes from the chapter I starred:

"Instead of indulging in self-exaltation, which leads to frustration and unmet expectations, lift up God.  As He grows bigger in your thought closet, you grow smaller.  This makes more room for others and will bring you true satisfaction." 

"The Bible tells us that God takes pleasure in our praise.  But when we set aside worries about our habitats and lose ourselves in the life-shaping, darkness-chasing, happiness-enhancing experience of pure-praise, the pleasure is all ours.  Ah, it is well with our souls."

Praise God!  I am feeling better already!

1 comment:

  1. What a great reminder of the testings. It does seem to come. Yes keep focused on Him, let Him consume your thoughts and guide you through those tests.

