Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving SkyWatch

I went out Wednesday after work to take photos of the big clouds in the sky, and flowers for my garden blog. It was in the 40s, and I had a good time being outside, as I haven't been able to be out much lately. I was out long enough to get some photos of the sunset. I saw the Schwann's man at my next door neighbor's door, and asked him if he'd noticed how pretty the sky was. He looked up, and told me, yes it is. When my husband got home from work and a couple errands, I asked him if he'd noticed, and he said he hadn't. I tell you, SkyWatch Friday helps one be more aware of what's going on in the sky, and I sure enjoy that! Click on the SWF button in the sidebar to see skies from all over the world, or find out how to include your post.

The moon is in the upper right of this photo.

Here's a closer view of the moon.

Photos don't do what I viewed today justice.

I walked to the busy street we live a block from, and tried to get a clearer view of the sky, but the street lights and lines insisted on being in the photos. The trees on the left are in the cemetery on that side of the street.

I am thankful most for the gift of faith in Jesus. I am thankful for God's work in my life, and the beauty of creation.

One of the gifts God has given me is the ability to forgive people. Sometimes it has taken longer than others though. As I get older, I find it easier, besides, it's what God has told us to do. I'm glad, but it has caused me to be impatient with others who hold grudges. Our church just served a meal at a local outreach center, which my group does 4 times a year. When I lead the prayer before the meal, I pray for God to help people to forgive those who need it in their lives.

If you read this, consider this prayer for you, too. Remember, forgiveness never means that we're saying the hurt someone has caused is OK. It may not even mean reconciliation in an unhealthy relationship. It frees the hurt one to move on and not dwell on the past or person who hurt them.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Late Afternoon Sky from 11/14 /09

My husband and I have our almost 2 year old grandson on Saturdays. My parents want to see him every week, too, and lately they have had some lifting restrictions, so I've been taking Grandson there, and going into the computer room and blogging. On our way back to my house, I noticed how lovely the sky was. I was glad for the stop lights, so I could take a few photos with my iphone.

To see skies from all over the world, or to find out how to include yours, click on the SkyWatch Friday button in the sidebar.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Suppertime Sunset taken Wednesday for SkyWatch Friday

To see skies from all over the world, or find out how to participate, click on the link in the sidebar.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blue Skies, Fluffy Clouds

The first several photos start looking up, then go a bit lower each time, showing the bare branches and split trunk of the walnut tree in front of the area where I garden at the neighbors' yard across the street. To see more skies from all over the world, click on the SkyWatch button in the sidebar.

I think this one is looking south and east from the intersection in the street.

The sunset was a nice one, too.

Looking south from our front porch:

God bless your weekend!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some Thoughts on God's Will

I was sleeping well, but in the night, started thinking about which church service I wanted to go to in the morning. Somehow my thoughts went to wondering if God really wanted me going back to the church I had left in January, and have now been going back to since August. I'm having trouble now remembering exactly what I was thinking, but it was not worry.

The reason I got up to write is so I would remember the chain of thoughts, and then go back to sleep not trying to remember. I'm not remembering now, though, but the one of the main things I got out of this is that in my experience, even when I pray for God to reveal his will to me for my life, I'm not always given clear direction. I think that whatever I do, mistakes, sins, and all, God uses it for good. (Hey, there's a Bible verse for that!)

The other thing, is that God's will for me is to love him first, and then love others. In my daily interactions with people, He wants me to love others with his love. That means turning off the crabbiness and turning on care and respect. Sometimes it also means setting boundaries. I can enjoy my gardening, spending time with family, and blogging. God provides other areas of service, such as cooking meals 4 times a year at our local outreach center for low income people. These last few sentences were added by me as I was writing, and were not part of the thinking. The thought was that whatever I do, God blesses it as I go. He doesn't direct me like I'm a puppet. I have choices, and God uses those choices to work in my life.

I don't think God cares so much which church I go to as long as it is one that believes in grace alone, through faith alone for salvation. I am so thankful I don't have to earn salvation! Figuring out how to love God first is sometimes hard, but it's such a blessing to experience his love for me.

Well, I better get back to sleep so I can go to the early service. ,o) I hope you are having peaceful rest. (The photo of my grandson and me was taken Saturday.)