Thursday, February 26, 2009

ABCs of the Word, "C"

"Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song."

Psalm 95:1-2

For more posts on the ABCs of the Word, go to Pam's blog, Grey Like Snuffie.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Word-Filled Wednesday 2/25/09

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation an my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people;
 pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge."

Psalm 62: 5-9

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Self Talk Soul Talk, Week 8

Lelia, at Write From the Heart has a wonderful and humorous post about how she is thankful for hosting our online study of the book, Self Talk, Soul Talk, by Jennifer Rothschild. Click on the name of her blog or the book in the sidebar to get to her site, and the other posts on Mr. Linky.

Chapter 8 is called, "Look Back: Forget Not His Benefits, O My Soul. The quotes from the book will be black. The first passage I underlined this week was, "Remembering is essential to the health of our souls. So we must tell our souls to look back often." Jennifer explained that both pleasant and painful memories can be good to look back on to assign meaning in our lives, understanding how we can profit, or learn from what happened in our past. "Memories can be profitable because they prevent us from repeating mistakes. They guard us against needless worry, and serve as a grounding force in our lives."

Jennifer went on to say that as we remember the events of our lives, we should prompt ourselves to, "forget not"what God has done for us. She said to give ourselves time to do this. "Look around. Take time to observe what lies just beyond the surface of your circumstances. You'll see evidence of the goodness and benefits of God. It feels good, doesn't it?" Jennifer did say, though, that she is speaking of memories that we can handle.

My son and grandson just came over for awhile, because they came back for something they forgot yesterday. I have lost my train of thought, and it's almost time for bed.  Let me see if I can gather some thoughts.

Like many people, I have some memories I do not like to go back to. I was bullied as a child, and even as an adult, have been treated unfairly. I have done things that I regret, and have done things that hurt others. I have been overly sensitive, and defensive. I have had good friends who either died or moved far away. I have had spells of being anxious and depressed. Even so, in looking back, I can see that God has worked all things for my good.  

I also have memories of good things. My current job is the favorite of all I've had, and without some of the things that were difficult to get through, I wouldn't have it. I had a good time being a stay at home mom until my daughter went to first grade. Our grandson just "hugged" the dogs pictured on our door mat. His sweetness is a wonderful recent memory.  

"Remembering allows your experiences to grant you far more than a fleeting moment of pleasure or pain. Join me in telling your soul to 'look back.' When you do, you gaze into a thought closet that has been fully stocked with profitable truth worth remembering."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Serving God Together

For the last few years, I have led a group from my church in cooking and serving supper 4 times a year at a local outreach center.  We have 2 other groups, so together we cover one day a month. Yesterday may have been my last time.  

We had someone who is still going to our church, but is feeling similar to how I do, uncomfortable, and not wanting to go to any more meetings, but plans on hanging in there, even though she's also missed some church. There was someone who was asked to do mission work at a new church, not far from the current one, where many of the disgruntled people have been going, so goes there now. There was a family who goes to a different denomination now. There was a couple, new to the church, and who I don't know well, so I don't know how they are feeling about things. I do know they are attending, because they told the one family they'd see them in church.  

Some of the regulars in the group were attending Dare to Share with their teens, and one was out of town, so we barely had enough there. It felt good serving God with these people. We agreed we'd like to stay as a group, even if we are going to different churches.  I think the others who couldn't make it would agree. The board chair for the 3 groups said it would be OK if we still served, and she would find someone to lead it if I decided I was going to change churches.

I am not going back to the church I visited the last two weeks, because I found out there is something major I disagree with them on. I don't know where God will lead me, and it very well could be back to my church.  I am missing people there, but I just can't be around the tension right now.  In the letter I wrote to our Pastor and elders, I asked for forgiveness for staying away for awhile, because I feel there are people I am letting down. We really do have a lot of awesome people, who live by their faith.  Also, there are some things others know that the rest of us do not, and they feel led by God to do what they are doing, so I can't assume they are trying to cause problems for others.  I just know that the Bible says we are to forgive.  

When all is said and done, we all need to be willing to forgive each other.  Like Pam said recently, people who don't like how others do things will share the same heaven.  She said something like that, anyway.

What is happening now, is that God is drawing me to himself. I am not worrying about the church decision. As I was working yesterday, I thought about the situation, and asked God where he wants me to go to church.  I felt a peace come over me, and it seemed He was letting me know that it could be awhile before I know where I am supposed to be, but it's OK.

I am thankful to have this community of Christian women in blogland.  Bless you all!

(The pic was taken at January's meal, when I was covering in the absence of a leader for that group.)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

ABCs of the Word, "B"

Pam, at Grey Like Snuffie is hosting ABCs of the Word on Thursdays.  Check it out.

"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. "
John 17:20-21

This is where Jesus was praying for all believers, after praying for his disciples just before he was betrayed.  The other day, someone put a verse up, in awe that we are the ones talked about in that verse. Here's another example where we are referred to. This is only part of the prayer Jesus prayed for us. How awesome that is! May we all be in Him, so that we can be united with other believers.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Word-Filled Wednesday 2/18/09

"My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever."

Psalm 145:21

I was thinking this is a good way to keep our thought closets in good order, and to keep them cool and peaceful.

(As I was trying to type in the time I wanted this to be published in the morning, I accidently hit something that made it publish right away.  When I tried to edit it and have it post later, it didn't work, so here it is a day early.)

(And after all that, I forgot to say that Amydeane, at 160 Acre Woods hosts WFW, and there are currently 54 posts you can check out, including the accidental link to my garden blog, I need to see if I have time to put a WFW post on. LOL)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Self Talk Soul Talk, Week 7

Lelia, at Write From the Heart, hosts, "Yes to God Tuesdays". I just found her group when their study of the book Self Talk, Soul Talk, by Jennifer Rothchild began, and joined right away.
This book and study have been a blessing to me, in a transitional time of my life, each chapter, building on the week before, and helping me deal with my thoughts and feelings about walking in faith to find a new church home, and just living daily life. I am going to do what Lelia does, and make the words from the book a different color.

Chapter 7 is titled, "Calm Down: I have Stilled and Quieted my Soul." I didn't write any "wowie zowies" this time, but have plenty of circles, underlines, and stars. The first passage I marked was,

"Our reactions reveal the temperature inside our thought closet. We can use soul talk to keep the thermostat at a cool and steady temperature. We must learn how to still and quiet our souls, to tell our souls to quiet down."

My husband and I are both reactors. He has tennitus, which causes hearing problems, and we have lots of miscommunications. I get hurt and mad at him for getting mad at me, and he gets madder, since I've gotten mad, etc. etc. etc.

"So much of the anger we have in our lives comes from unmet expectations and frustration that we don't have ultimate control."

I haven't gotten angry about the things going on at church, but have been anxious, hurt, and frustrated that people have continued to be in conflict. I have tried to get people to forgive, but they do not listen to me. I am not in control!

"But the real source of anger isn't a tough circumstance or a difficult person; it's the way we choose to think about that person or circumstance."

God is working with me on this, and I actually have experienced peace, knowing God will work things out for the good.

"Some things in this life are simply hard. We don't like them, we don't want them, but we have to deal with them anyway."

"But peace is a quality that can characterize our inner world even when our outer world goes crazy."

"Jesus reveals its source with great clarity: 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives.' (John 14:27)."

"Ask God to help you embrace what you can't avoid, accept what you don't like, and channel your passion into wise responses."

Speaking of not being in control, I have been interrupted a number of times tonight, and my daughter came over just now, so I am going to call this a post. I may add more later. I think the main message of this chapter is, God is our source of peace, and He wants us to respond to things in a calm, Godly way. We can have peaceful thoughts, and not anger, which can start fires in our thought closets.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Speaking of Eagles (Still)

Our God is an awesome God.  Our grandson was over today like usual, and the TV was on.  I decided to look at the guide, and saw that a local church service was about to start on a local station.  It was one of the churches I was thinking about visiting, and this was last week's worship.

I'm not sure what all churches use the same Scripture for their services, but I think there are a lot, and I got to rehear the verses in Isaiah 40, where God says those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, and soar on wings like eagles, etc.

This was a good service, too, except the songs were sung a little slow, and there weren't many people at the service.  Our grandson danced, and grinned at me when I sang along. The sermon was excellent.  I wish I'd been able to take notes. The vacancy pastor made lots of references to eagles, and talked about their great qualities.  He said it's good the verse didn't talk about other birds, like chickens, because they squabble with each other for bits of this and that, and sometimes don't even want something until they see another wants it.  More was said, that I can't think of, but it will come to me later if I need it.  I was not down like I was the other day , but this lifted me up. Oh, I just remembered he talked about the verses where God is reminding his people how powerful he is, and that he will not grow tired or weary.

This whole strength and eagle thing is a theme God is working with me on.  I had taken some not so great pics of this eagle at night around the first of the year, and had been planning since then on getting more taken. It must be a God thing, that I got those pics taken and posted the Wednesday before the same passage was used in churches for the Scripture reading and sermons.

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to the church I went to last week. I'm thinking I should go, get the book they are studying, and pray for God to guide me in what to do next.  Thanks for the prayers and comments I got on my last post, I can't remember if I replied there.   

Have a great weekend, and may you keep your hope in the Lord!


(I just remembered I had copied a comment someone made to another about a divorce, which I thought was interesting.  She said, "Those things are always tough whether they are 'for the best' or not."  Unfortunately, I don't remember who said it, and did not get permission to post it, but if it was me, I think I wouldn't mind.  Anyway, I thought of my situation, and it seems some of you have been or are in similar ones. It is tough, but I do think it is God's will, which makes it for the best.)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Feeling Blue Today, warning, subject may be disagreeable to some

I am feeling blue today, but have been protecting my thought closet as much as I can. I am not sure what to think about what has transpired the last few days. I let my church know I am going to go somewhere else for awhile. The church I visited Sunday felt right to me, and I felt it was a God thing that the Scripture was the same I had used with my eagle pictures for WFW, and a couple of the songs made the eagle references. I don't know if I mentioned the sermon was on things we do so that others will like us, or to be popular. The disciples liked being popular, and wanted Jesus to go back to the crowd, and he said they were going to the next towns to give his message.

I looked up the book this church has just started to study Sunday evenings, and saw the names of the chapters, one of which states all are welcome. It reminded me that this denomination-synod has been in the news for their developing acceptance of a certain behavior between people I decided not to name, as I don't want this post to show up in a Google search. I will say, that I believe a God intends for marriage to be between a man and a woman. I know there are local churches that do not follow that new tolerance their national body does, so don't know if this one does.

I decided to try to find a copy of the book, and the stores in my town did not have it, so I called the church to see if they had a copy I could buy. The director of Christian education answered the phone, and asked me if I wanted to come to the class. I said I wanted to look at the book first to see if it answered a concern I had. She wanted to know what the concern was, so I told her. I think she was a bit unsure what to say, but I did agree with her that we are to love the sinner, but not the sin. She wanted to have me talk to the Pastor about it, because he would have a more theological answer. She asked for a phone number, and I told her he could call during my lunch break. We also talked about other differences between that church and mine, which do not involve sin like this, and do not bother me. I ended up telling her some of what was going on at my church. She seemed very nice, but I don't even know her, and feel like I should have visited the church for awhile before being so open.

I couldn't really talk in private anywhere at work when the pastor called, and thought he was calling so we could set up an appointment, but he told me it was me who said I could be called at this time, so he seemed a bit unhappy with me for saying I could be called at that time, but couldn't talk. I said I was planning on picking the book up after work, but he said he didn't know if he'd be available, as he had meetings.

The woman from yesterday said to call first, before coming for the book, even though someone should be there. I did call, and no one answered. I only live a few blocks from there, so tried anyway, but no one was there. I looked up some information on the internet, and found a very long statement, that I fell asleep trying to read.

God has placed a number of people who are different from me and my beliefs in my life, and I am friendly with my neighbor ladies who are, but I could not attend a church that said that lifestyle is not sinful, and I'm not clear from my reading if this church views it as sinful, as they say we are all sinful. If someone with any kind of sinful addiction or leaning had the gift of faith in Jesus, and depended on God through faith to abstain, I would consider them a fellow Christian. I do try to live the life of loving people, but not their sin, whatever it is. In 1 Corintians 5:9-10, Paul said, "I have written you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people-not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers or idolaters. In that case, you would have to leave this world."

So, I am hurting, and my soul is downcast, and I don't know if God is really leading me to this church or not. I am feeling stupid for being so open with that lady, and giving the Pastor the impression I may be an intolerant mean person, or one that wants extra attention. I wish I'd have laid low for awhile. I am trying not to let that into my thought closet. God is comforting me, though and letting me know it's OK to hurt, that He will lift me up, and give me that strength of the eagle, knowing He has good plans for me, so I can keep my hope in Him.

Thanks for any prayers in this regard.

Added 2/13:
I just scrolled down my blog, and saw what I wrote in my post on our book study.  It's worth repeating, and it's a quote from Self Talk, Soul Talk.

"The most hopeful people I know are those who place their trust in God.  Liberated from the need to always be in control, they are able to rest in Him rather than struggle to avoid difficulties in this life."  She also wrote, "It's not a once and forever choice.  It's a choice I make day by day.  God is bigger than your problem and bigger than your perception of your problem."  

We are having a snow day today, so my husband and I are home today.  Maybe I can stay awake to finish the statement I was reading.  I still don't know if I am going to go back for sure, but I am not beating up on myself as much today.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ABCs of the Word, "A"

"He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement."
Proverbs 12:11

"He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty."
Proverbs 28:19

My Bible study note says fantasies are schemes for making easy money.  Since it's in there twice, it looks like God values work.

Pam, at Grey Like Snuffie is starting over with "A" for a new series of ABCs of the Word. Check out her site for more entries.

Word-Filled Wednesday 2/11/09

I chose another verse that talks about hope, to compliment what we are doing in our Self Talk, Soul Talk study on Yes to God Tuesdays.  I chose a sunrise to illustrate the verse because we start fresh each day with the hope that comes from and is in God.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Romans 15:13

Amydeanne hosts this day on her blog, the160acrewoods. Click to see more WFW posts.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Self Talk Soul Talk Week 6

"Look up: hope in God my soul" What a fitting title for a wonderful chapter. Every week I say how I've marked up the chapter, but this week had to be the most circled, underlined and starred of them all so far. I even wrote things like, "wowie zowie" and "good stuff" here and there.

God is so good, and I feel he has brought me to the world of garden and Christian blogging, which provides for me as I step back from my troubled church. My pleas for people to bear with one another and forgive each other seem to have fallen on deaf ears, and I'm feeling it's time to move on. I have a community here with relationships forming to provide a cushion while I find a new church home and establish new relationships.

I gave notice yesterday to those I needed to let know I was pulling back my responsibilities at church. At first I didn't give a reason, but a woman thought it might be because she had asked me to do more lately, so I explained what I'm doing. At that point, I decided to write a letter to our Pastor, who will be leaving in May, and the elders to let them know I feel it may be time to move on, and I'm looking to see where God will guide me. I wrote a check for the next 3 month's worth of offerings, and gave them my keys to the church and garage. I went into the sanctuary to pray before I left. It was a weird feeling, and I only cried a little.

I got a phone call from a woman this evening asking me to go to the church council meeting tonight, because there was a four minute voters meeting yesterday with no agenda, and now the council has a huge agenda. The drama continues, and I am not going to be a part of it.

I am saying all that here, because today's chapter was such a blessing to me, and spoke of having hope instead of fear or despair no matter the circumstance we find ourselves in. Jennifer wrote, "Rather than giving in to fear or despair, we tell our souls to hope. Hope will always be on your side, cheering you and defending you. Despair always works against you." She said hope is not a feeling, but a choice.

Jennifer used Psalm 42:5 to illustrate her message. It's "Why are you downcast, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I again shall praise Him for the help of His presence." NSAB She said it's good to ask our souls questions, that the psalmist recognized there was a cause for his soul to be downcast, that something was amiss. She said our wishes rarely match the way things are. Yet, God does help us with his presence.

I enjoyed Jennifer's analogy of the table, with our emotions, physical wellness, mind, and spiritual nature being the legs. We need each to keep our balance, and not tip and fall into despair. Of course our spiritual "leg" is really the weight bearing leg of our table. "A deep longing resides in each of us that only God can meet. Neglecting this longing doesn't make it go away." When our spiritual life is off, it affects the other areas of our lives.

I'm not sure, but this next quote may be my favorite from the chapter: "The most hopeful people I know are those who place their trust in God. Liberated from the need to always be in control they are able to rest in Him rather than struggle to avoid difficulties in this life." Or maybe it's, "It's not a once and forever choice. It's a choice I make day by day. God is bigger than your problem and bigger than your perception of your problem."

So, as Jennifer advises, I will continue to tell my soul to hope in God, and as she says, I will be infused with strength beyond my circumstance. I have experienced this, as I have felt God's presence throughout this, and even though I have experienced hurt, I am not being defined by it or dwelling on it. I am walking by faith to see where God leads me. In the past, I would have been more emotional about this experience, and I did go through a bit of heart in my stomach yesterday and today, but I'm full of hope in the Lord, and know that He is helping fill my thought closet with good things.

For more thoughts on this chapter, click on the book in the sidebar or go to Lelia's blog, Write From the Heart.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Visited a Church Today

The Scripture today was Isaiah 40:21-31, and it just felt right being there. The first song was one of my favorites, "Come, Now is the Time to Worship" and then we sang, "Everlasting God". It had references to the Bible passage, where God does not grow faint or weary, but defends the weak and lifts us up on wings like Eagles. I got teary when we sang, "The Power of Your Love" as we were asking God to draw us to his side, and we'll rise up like the eagle, and we will soar with him, as his spirit leads us on, in the power of his love. For the closing, we sang, "There's a River of Life" which is another one I love.

The sermon was timely, too. The pastor talked about the desire to be popular, and liked. Being who we think others want us to be is not necessarily who God wants us to be. He pointed out that in Mark 1:29-39, the disciples liked the fact that Jesus became popular. They hunted him down after he'd gone to a desserted place to pray, and wanted him to go back to the crowds, but Jesus said that he wanted to go to the neighboring towns to proclaim his message.

I was so excited about the eagle references throughout the service, that I got my iphone out and showed the pastor and a few from the worship team my blog with the eagle pics and the passage from the service. I don't think they were as interested in looking at it as I was showing it, but they were reservedly polite. LOL

I don't know for sure if this is the place God has in mind for me to land, but he will let me know as time goes by. It was the right place for me to worship today, and gave me the opportunity to play some more with my collage program.


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Friday, February 6, 2009

A Very Late ABCs of the Word "Z"

Pam, at Grey Like Snuffie is hosting ABCs of the Word on Thursdays.  Next week will start over with "A".  I have trouble just writing one verse, and today is no exception.  I love this passage, and it may even be a little longer than others.

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with those of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written:'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord."  Romans 12:9-19

The chapter goes on to say that not only do we not take revenge, we feed those who are our enemies and give them something to drink. Rather than being overcome by evil, we are to overcome evil with good. I think these verses are an example of God's thoughts being higher than ours, as stated in Isaiah 55. These things do not come naturally to us in our flesh.  They take prayer, faith, and God working in us.

My prayer for people at my church, and for any of you holding a grudge, is that God will heal you of that and forgive you so you can fully experience his peace that is beyond our understanding.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Word-Filled Wednesday 2/4/09

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:28-31

I took these downtown today.  I couldn't find information on it, but this sculpture is on the top of a downtown building.  I have a good zoom on my camera!  I had been wanting to get a pic of this because there are quite a few references to eagles in the Bible.  Eagles are strong, powerful birds of prey, and they have good eyesight.  I love the song where we sing that God will raise us up on eagle's wings.  It is a comforting message, and I tend to think of the eagle's wings as a soft, warm place to be, but the message here, is that we will be as strong as the eagles.  I like that message even better, and this eagle is fierce looking.  I want to look like that to Satan, and not like an easy victim.

Added Wednesday evening: I just remembered to put my link on Amydeane's blog.  Click on her name or the icon to the right to find 64 other Word-filled posts.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Self Talk Soul Talk Week 5

Lelia, from Write From the Heart is hosting this study as part of Yes to God Tuesdays. As I was reading chapter 5, I found myself underlining, circling, and starring as much or more than the other chapters.  I am also writing at bed time again.  

I have done many of the things the author talks about, such as becoming apathetic toward some of my poor choices and negative attitudes.  She then talked about the word "awake" being used 65 times in the Old Testament.  She went through some meanings of "awake" and said it can be thought of as becoming undeceived, or having an "aha" moment.  That was so cool to me, because yesterday, I did have some "aha" time from God, and he lifted a lot of anxiety I was having.  We know the Bible says to be anxious about nothing.  That's what we replace our false self talk with, God's Word.  She gave good examples of that at the end of the chapter.

I can also identify with her ways we get distracted.   I mentioned in the first post, that, as I was reading about the author liking Earl Grey tea, I was drinking some.  Today, when I read about her being fond of coffee and dark chocolate, I was eating a piece of dark chocolate, which I do every day.  I don't eat many other sweets, but love my dark chocolate, and my coffee is usually decaf.  I do like what she said about there being nothing wrong with pleasure, as long as it is balanced, and does not become a greater treasure than our relationship with God.

Well, I better get to bed.  God Bless!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I just heard a very good sermon on the radio.  One of the things talked about was receiving and enjoying gifts, especially the gift of salvation.  The pastor reminded us that we cannot earn anything from God.  We do not deserve his grace.  It's a gift.  Are we enjoying that gift?  It really spoke to me.

He said that what God says is the truth, whether we believe it or not, and there are no dead atheists.

Now, I am listening to one about trusting in and leaning on God and trusting him with our emotions. We should lean on his wisdom, not what we think is our own common sense.  In all our ways we acknowledge him, and make decisions based on what we've learned from God's Word.

I did not go to church today.  I have been uneasy and feeling sadness over conflict at my church that I don't even know all the details of.  There was going to be a meeting, and I just did not want to go and feel the tension of the people who are on opposite sides of each other.  Our pastor was going to tell the people whether he was going to accept a call to another church or not.  I thought about calling someone to see what the outcome was, but I think I'll wait until we get the letter.  

The tension I was feeling has gone, and I am feeling such joy and peace!  I am a child of God and he will lead me, whether it's to go back to my church or another one.  He will guide my steps, just like he always has.  I am so thankful to be sure of my salvation.  

When I was in the shower, I was wondering if there is a church out there where people are trusting what Jesus did for them alone for their salvation, and the focus of their hearts is to worship God, and they are always nice to each other.  God spoke to my heart, and reminded me I'm not always nice to everyone.  When he did that, it gave me joy, because it reminded me that we all still need to seek forgiveness daily, and we are forgiven and loved.

Still, I think I may look around and see if God has another church in mind for me, after attending the same one for over 20 years, that I no longer live in the neighborhood of.  

In appreciation of prayers,